Electric motor Note:
Electric motor maintenance:
1, MC2, MC3 basically rely on air cooling, so the cooling flow requirement of 10 liters / min, and to ensure that dry and oil-free air;
2, prohibit dental lab the use of a lubricant to the motor inside the injector;
3, high-pressure high-temperature sterilization can not (except MC3 shell);
4, to prevent the bump;
5, in accordance with standard power supply apparatus;
6, need to use spray cleaner on a clean paper towel to wipe the surface of the motor in order to clean and disinfect;
7, to prevent the inflow of oil inside the motor indirectly, cause of this phenomenon, there are two, try to avoid:
1) Do not over-lubrication,teeth whitening machines lubrication practices should be in accordance with the straight-curved nose, tail presses using a mobile phone LUBRIFLUID aligned seconds;
2) In the straight curved nose fitted MC2, MC3 prior to bend head upside down to empty the oil straight, curved nose to prevent the oil from inside straight back into the interior of the motor.